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List game cheat
[A.G.O.W.rar] Agarest Generations of War (PAL)
1. Max Gold
2. Max Tp
3. Max PP
4. Max Stats
5. Max Materials
[A.S.2.rar] Agarest Senki 2 (JPN)
1. Max Gold
2. Max Tp
3. Max PP
4. Max Stats
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[A.M.R.rar] Alice Madness Returns (NTSC)
1. Infinite Health
2. Max Teeth
3. Slow Enemies
4. Mega Jump
5. 1 Hit Kills
Note: If you are using DUPLEX Fix remove this patch whenever you want to play Alice 1 PSN game
[A.C.E.rar] Another Century's Episode R (JPN)
1. Max A.C.E. Points On Gain/use
2. Max Skill Points Gain/Use
[A.T.3.Q.rar] Ar Tonelico 3/Qoga (NTSC)
1. Max Money After Buy/Gain
2. Max HP
3. Max Status
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[A.C.B.rar] Assassins Creed Brotherhood (PAL)
1. Infinite Health
NOTE: Extremely high falls and heavy weapons still seem to be able to kill you
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[A.R.A.O.A.rar] Atelier Rorona Alchemist of Arland (NTSC)
1. Max Money
2. Max Attack In Battle
3. Max Defense In Battle
4. Max HP In Battle
5. Max LV
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[B.A.rar] Bayonetta (NTSC)
1. Max Halos on Gain/Lose
[B.S.T.H.Y.W.rar] Bladestorm (PAL)
1. Max Money
2. Max EXP
3. Max Points in Battle
4. Max Combo
[C.E.rar] Cross Edge (NTSC)
1. Max Gold
2. Max TP
3. Max EP
4. Max PP
[D.R.2.rar] Dead Rising 2 (NTSC)
1. Infinite HP
2. Max Zombie Kills (Lots of EXP per Kill)
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[Dead.S.rar - Dead.Sp.PAL.rar] Dead Space 1 (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Money On Gain
2. Max Money On Sell
3. Max Money On Buy
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[D.S.2.rar - D.S.2.PAL.rar] Dead Space 2 (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Money On Gain
2. Max Money On Sell/Load
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[D.SOUL.PAL.rar] Demon Souls (PAL)
1. Max Soul
2. Max Damage
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[D.M.C.rar] Devil May Cry 4 (NTSC)
1. Max Proud Souls
2. Max Red Orbs
[D.3.rar] Disgaea 3 (NTSC)
1. Max Mana
2. Max SP
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[D.4.rar] Disgaea 4 (JPN)
1. Max Money
2. Max Mana
[D.B.R.B.2.rar] Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 (PAL)
1. Max Speed Recover
2. Max Damage
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[D.N.F.PAL.rar] Duke Nukem Forever (PAL)
1. Infinite Ammo
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[D.W.7.rar] Dynasty Warriors 7 (NTSC)
1. Max Money after buying weapons
2. Max ATK
3. Max DEF
4. Max Skill Points
5. Max KO
6. Max Combo
7. Max Kills
8. Max Reputation/Prestige
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[D.W.G.3.rar] Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 (JPN)
1. Max Money On Item Sell
2. Max Pilot Exp on gain
3. Max Unit Status on Upgrading
4. Infinite Upgrade Slot
[D.W.S.rar] Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce (NTSC)
1. Max Money on Sell
2. Max Sword/Claw Experience After Battle
3. Max Spear Experience After Battle
4. Max Pike Experience After Battle
5. Max Cudgel/Staff Experience After Battle
6. Max Bow Experience After Battle
7. Max Cane/War Fans Experience After Battle
8. Max Deeds
9. Max Exp
10. Max Rewards
[E.A.rar - E.A.PAL.rar] Enchanted Arms (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Money on Buy/Sell
2. Max Casino Chips on Buy/Exchange
3. Max SP on Use
[E.S.rar - E.S.PAL.rar] Eternal Sonata (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Money
2. Max Item on Gain
[F.F.13.rar] Final Fantasy 13 (NTSC)
1. Max Gill
2. Max CP after battle
4. Max Materials
5. Max Battle Item
[F.O.T.N.S.K.R.NTSC.rar - F.O.T.N.S.K.R.rar] Fist of the North Star Ken's Rage (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Life After Battle
2. Max Attack After Battle
3. Max Defense After Battle
4. Max Skill Points after Battle
5. Max Hokuto Shinken Kills After battle
6. Max Nanto Seiken Kills After battle
7. Max Ujoken Kills After battle
8. Damege Taken 0
[G.D.O.B.rar - G.D.O.T.B.PAL.rar] Genji Days of The Blade (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Mashogane Fragments
2. Max Essence of Amahagane
3. Max Hp upon upgrading
4. Max out kamui upon upgrading
5. Max Item upon picking up
[G.T.A.4.rar] Grand Theft Auto 4 (NTSC)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Ammo
3. Infinite Money
[G.C.O.O.rar] God of War Chains of Olympus (NPUA-80637)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Magic
NOTE : Just Install it over Your Game
[G.G.O.S.rar] God Of War Ghost Of Sparta (NPUA-80636)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Magic
3. Infinite Thera's Bane
4. Infinite Red Orbs
NOTE : Just Install it over Your Game
[H.N.rar - H.N.PAL.rar] Hyperdimension Neptunia (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Money on Buy or Sell
[I.N.F.A.M.O.U.S.rar - I.N.F.A.PAL.rar] inFamous (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Infinite Electricity
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[I.N.F.2.rar] inFamous 2(NTSC)
1. Infinite Electricity
2. Infinite Health
3. Max EXP
[I.2.F.O.B.rar] inFamous 2 Festival Of Blood (NPUA80657)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Blood Jar
3. Infinite Electricity
NOTE : Just Install it over Your Game
[K.Z.2.rar] KillZone 2 (NTSC)
1. Infinite Ammo
2. Infinite Grenade
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[L.R.PAL.rar] Last Rebellion (PAL)
1. Max Bonus
2. Max Combo
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[M.T.F.rar] Macross Trial Frontier (JPN)
1. Infinite Ammo
2. Infinite Anti Missile
3. Max SP
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[M.V.C.3.rar] Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (NTSC)
1. Max PP
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[M.S.G.B.R.rar] Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record (JPN)
1. Max Money on Loading
2. Max EXP on Gain
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[N.S.U.N.S.2.rar] Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PAL)
1. Max Ryo
2. Max SP
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[N.rar] Nier (NTSC)
1. Max Money after shopping
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[N.G.S.rar] Ninja Gaiden Sigma (NTSC)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Ki
3. Infinite Items
4. Max Money On Gain
5. Max Karma
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[N.G.S.2.rar] Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (NTSC)
1. Infinite HP Use Magic To Activate
2. Infinite MP Use Magic To Activate
3. Max Money
[R.D.R.rar] Red Dead Redemption (NTSC)
1. Infinite Ammo/No Reload
2. Infinite Health
3. Infinite Dead Eye
[R.E.5.G.E.rar - R.E.5.G.PAL.rar] Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Infinite HP
2. Infinite Ammo
3. Max Money On Sale
4. Max Exchange Points on Gain
[R.E.C.V.rar] Resident Evil Code Veronica X(NPUB30467)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Ammo Put a Weapon at Slot 1 on Item Box (Warning)
3. Low Time
4. Save Always 0
5. No Retries
Warning: If you have any items in Slot 1 on Item Box move it or you may lose important/key items
NOTE : Just Install it over Your Game
[R.2.rar] Resistance 2 (NTSC)
1. Infinite Ammo
2. Infinite Secondary Ammo
[R.S.O.F.rar] Resonance Of Fate (NTSC)
1. Max Money
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[R.F.O.JPN.rar] Rune Factory Tides of Destiny (JPN)
1. Infinite Gold
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[S.B.S.H.rar] Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes (PAL)
1. Max Money
2. Max Hit Combo
3. Max Level after 2 battles
4. Max Materials after a battle
[S.M.3.Z.rar] Sengoku Musou 3Z (JPN)
1. Max Points in Water Challenge Mode
2. Max KO
3. Max KO during Musou attacks
4. Max Rice
[S.H.H.C.PAL.rar] Silent Hill Homecoming (PAL)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Ammo
[S.T.H.rar] Sonic The Hedgehog (NTSC)
1. Max Ring
2. Infinite Ring
3. Never Loose Rings When Hit
[S.T.H.E.4.rar] Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 (NPUB30127)
1. Infinite Live
2. Max Ring
NOTE: Just Install It Over Your Game
[S.C.4.rar - S.C.4.PAL.rar] Soul Calibur 4 (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Money On Gain
[S.O.T.L.H.I.rar] Star Ocean The Last Hope International (NTSC)
1. Max Money
2. Max Arena Money After Battle
3. Max Individual SP on Gain/Loss Of Sp
4. Max Party SP after leveling/Making a new recipe
5. Max CP on Level
6. Max BEAT:B level after battle
7. Max BEAT:S level after battle
8. Max Exp on Gain
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[S.S.F.4.A.E.rar] Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (NTSC)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Super
3. Infinite Ultra
[T.O.G.F.rar] Tales of Grace F (JPN)
1. Max Money
2. Max Energy Consuption
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[T.O.V.rar] Tales of Vesperia (JPN)
1. Max Money
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[T.R.U.rar] Tomb Raider Underworld (NTSC)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Oxygen
3. Infinite Ammo
4. Infinite Grenades
[T.S.4.rar] Top Spin 4 (NTSC)
1. Max EXP
NOTE 1: Needs Files from USRDIR to be moved to PKG dir(Minus Eboot)after install
[T.U.rar] Trinity Universe (NTSC)
1. Max Money
2. Max AP out of battle
3. Unlimited AP in Battle
[V.C.rar - V.C.PAL.rar] Valkyria Chronicles (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max EXP on Use (Go Back in and out of Training)
2. Max DCT on Use (Go Back in and out of Workshop)
3. Max EXP on Gain After Battle
4. Max DCT on gain After Battle
5. Max CP
[V.rar] Vanquish (NTSC)
1. Infinite Ammo
2. Infinite Grenade
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[W.O.S.3.rar] Way of the Samurai 3 (NTSC)
1. Max Money
2. Max Samurai Points
[W.O.S.4.JPN.rar] Way Of The Samurai 4 (JPN)
1. Max Money On Buy
2. Max Attack When Upgrade Weapons
3. Max Durability When Upgrade Weapons
[W.K.C.rar - W.K.C.PAL.rar] White Knight Chronicles (NTSC) and (PAL)
1. Max Gold
2. Max Items
3. Max AC
4. Max EXP
5. Max Skill On Use
6. Infinite Items
7. Enchance without Materials
8. HP/MP Recovery after withdrawing weapon
[X.M.O.W.rar] X-Men Origins Wolverine (NTSC)
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Rage
NOTE 2: This Is Update PKG Just Boot The Game Normal After Install
[Y.3.rar] Yakuza 3 (NTSC)
1. Max EXP
2. Max Money
1. Infinite HP/Heat Enter The Menu
2. Max Money
3. Max Soul
4. Quick Exp Gain
Hoặc bạn có thể down cheat PKG từng game ở đây
Hướng dẫn sử dụng
1. Giải nén file Rar
2. Copy pkg cheat đến USB hoặc HDD tất nhiên là Format Fat 32
3. Cài pkg "Install Package Files".
4. Chọn game của bạn muốn cheat từ multiman hay trình quản lý nào đó mà bạnn cài(Phải có 1 disc game mồi trong ổ )
5.Chạy game với với biều tượng Icon mà bạn vừa cài cheat pkg.Không chạy file từ disc nhé
Chú ý 1
: 1 vài game cần file USRDIR nên phải chuyển nó đến PKG mà bạn cài nó sẽ có 1 thư mục trong hdd0/game
Chú ý 2:
1 vài PKG cheat chỉ cần cài và chạy luôn với game k cần làm gì cả
http://www.mediafire.com/?t52fq3r4tra7m[/CODE]Tất cả các cheat trên chỉ dùng được cho FW 3.55
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